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By Jason Jourdan

It doesn’t hurt to get insured while traveling. Not everywhere is as safe as your home country, and when you go somewhere far away from home, you can become pretty vulnerable.

Traveling abroad can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little precaution and research, you can ensure that you and your loved ones remain safe in any situation. Here are four tips to reduce your risk when traveling abroad.

Have a Medical Check

The first step in ensuring your safety and well-being while traveling abroad actually happens before you leave home. Undergoing the necessary medical checks should be a part of any international trip-planning process.

Making sure that you have sufficient medical insurance to cover any accidents or illness while you are away from home will also give you valuable peace of mind while traveling. In addition to checking that you are up to date on all of your vaccines, you should take care to pack any of your prescription medicines in your carry-on so that you do not have to worry about it getting lost.

Hire a Bodyguard

Although it might seem a little extreme, bodyguards can help to provide necessary protection when you travel to dangerous countries. Consulates or insurance companies are generally good resources when looking for a protective service to meet all of your personal needs and preferences.

Understand Where You Are Going

Before you travel to an unfamiliar country, it is imperative that you properly research your destination. Checking with the state department website is a good place to start your research, and reading about local customs and mores can also help you to understand the culture so that you feel adequately prepared. Remember that what might be legal in your home country could actually be unlawful somewhere else.

Don’t Draw Attention to Yourself

By staying under the radar, you can ensure that you will not stick out as a visitor. Avoid traveling in unfamiliar places after dark, and be wary of talking to strangers. Reading guide books prior to your trip can help you avoid places that might be trouble. If you insist on exploring off the beaten path, you should employ an accredited tour guide. Not only will this make your excursion more informative, but it will also better ensure safety.

By fully understanding the risks of the country you are visiting and by taking the proper steps to negate those risks, you can travel with confidence in knowing that you have taken the necessary precautions needed to ensure a safe trip.