By Partnership with Triptime Insurance
Have you ever found yourself rushing to the ER while on a trip? Well, I have…
Twice actually.
The first time was on a trip to Nicaragua, and the other was during a trip in the United Arab Emirates.
The Five Foot Traveler
Of course, neither were ideal. Let’s be real – no one enjoysgoing to the emergency room, even at home!
By now, anyone who has traveled with me knows just how much of a proponent I am of travel medical insurance.
Back when I first started traveling, I was reading up on things a traveler must have, and travel medical insurance topped the list. Personally, I wanted to know that I was always covered, especially given the fact that I knew I was going to be doing some of the best adventure activities around.
Canyon Jumping
Hang Gliding
Bungy Jumping
You name the adventure activity, and I’ve done it — or it’s on my list to do!
The thing is, I can approach all of these amazing adventure activities with excitement because I know that I’m protected if there’s a problem.
Having travel medical insurance, like Triptime Travel Insurance, relieves a certain amount of anxiety; God forbid something happens, you’re not stuck wondering how you’re going to pay for your treatments, but rather, take solace in knowing that you’ll get proper care because you’re taken care of.
The Five Foot Traveler
I know that nobody likes insurance of any kind. It feels like you’re always paying and never have to use it… until the day that you do. Had I not had travel medical insurance, I would’ve been stuck paying tens of thousands of dollars over the years.
There seems to be this misconception that travel insurance is expensive, yet with Triptime Insurance, you could spend as little as $0.77 per day, and only as much as $1.57 per day for the most expensive package (for myself, at age 25). That’s less than a cup of coffee a day to have peace of mind that you’ll be covered for any adventure activity that you may find yourself doing while gallivanting the globe!
Remember, most US health insurance plans won’t cover your medical expenses while abroad; if needed, your travel medical insurance will surely make your life easier, not only because they’ll reimburse all of your medical bills (assuming you paid for the proper coverage), but will even be in contact with the hospital to ensure your fees are covered.
Don’t try to cheap out when planning for a trip overseas, especially if you’re an adrenaline junkie like me. Take your health seriously, protect yourself with travel medical insurance, and get ready to dive into adventure!
*This article was written in partnership with Triptime Insurance, and I do receive financial compensation from them. That said, all opinions are my own and based on my personal experiences. – The Five Foot Traveler